Lower Number of DUI Arrests in Los Angeles
The trend in DUI (driving under the influence) arrests has shown a notable decline over recent years. For instance, in 2021, there were more than 443,000 DUI arrests in the United States, a significant decrease from the nearly 1 million arrests in 2014. This trend reflects a broader historical decline; from 1980 to 2014, DUI […]

Autonomous Cars can’t be cited for DUI
Autonomous Cars (AC), or self-driving cars, are not fully autonomous yet, but they confer a certain level of immunity against DUI charges. An NBC Investigative Reporter, Bigad Shaban, reported that a police officer can’t cite autonomous vehicles in California for moving traffic violations. Transportation laws require tickets to be issued to actual drivers. The driver […]

Felony DUI with Injury
You’re driving at night. It’s raining, and visibility is poor. You’ve had a few drinks with friends, but a reasonable amount. You turn right at an intersection, feel a jolt, and hear a loud thump on your front fender. You struck a pedestrian. You get out of the car and notice several things: The paramedics […]

Ignition Interlock Devices in DUI Convictions
In an effort to enhance road safety, California has implemented a law requiring anyone convicted of a DUI offense to install an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) in their vehicle. This law, which initially rolled out as a pilot program in select counties on July 1, 2010, was expanded statewide on January 1, 2019, following its […]

Why should you hire a skilled DUI Defense Attorney? People often ask whether it’s helpful, or even necessary to hire a skilled DUI defense attorney. Many people who get arrested for DUI, go to an attorney that’s a family friend. It is important to understand that only attorneys that are specially trained and experienced in […]

DUI Checkpoint in Seal Beach
On Friday night, the Seal Beach Police will be conducting a DUI checkpoint on PCH from 6:00 pm to 3:00 am. According to the police department, “crashes involving an impaired driver can be reduced by up to 20 percent when well-publicized DUI checkpoints and proactive DUI patrols are conducted routinely.” “Over the course of the […]

DUI Patrols Planned in Adams & Lancaster Counties
Roving DUI patrols are scheduled to commence in Adams and Lancaster counties for St. Patrick’s Day weekend from Friday, March 13th to Sunday, March 15th, according to the Center for Traffic Safety. More police enforcement is planned for the following week, including sobriety checkpoints, which will be announced later in the week. For more information on what to […]

19 Year Old That Caused Crash in Van Nuys Suspected of DUI
According to law enforcement, a 19 year old suspected of drunk driving ran a red light early Tuesday morning and crashed into an SUV, which flipped over and landed on top of a minivan. Five people were injured including two in serious condition. A little after midnight, the driver of a Volkswagen Passat ran a red light […]

DUI Checkpoints and Saturation Patrols During Labor Day Weekend
Law enforcement will be on high alert for the coming Labor Day weekend. Some cities began their campaigns 2 weeks early to curb the number of DUI drivers on the streets. Traditionally, there have been an uptick of DUI arrests during Labor Day because of the long weekend. Checkpoints have been set up all across Southern California, […]

Looking Sober Doesn’t Mean You’re Sober
Don’t let appearance be the judge of whether you or someone you know is sober enough to drive. Appearance is not a good judge of blood alcohol content (BAC). A properly serviced and administered breathalyzer or blood test is a good judge of blood alcohol content. But if you waited until those tests were taken before you […]

Set Up Alternative Forms of Transportation
Better yet, don’t drive home. Set up alternative transportation beforehand. Plan to hitch a ride with someone (hopefully a sober driver) or better yet, Uber home. Don’t let a DUI cost you your life, career, freedom and thousands in expenses for a $40 Uber. It’s hard to quantify the benefits until it’s too late.

Know Your Limits
Sometimes drinking is unavoidable at office shindigs. You’ve worked with these people all year, and this is a good chance for you to see them in a social environment and let loose. Know your limits. If you know you’re driving home, try to limit yourself to about 1 to 2 drinks an hour. Don’t forget […]