E-Cigarettes and Vapors Banned From Public Places in Los Angeles
The Los Angeles City Counsel voted unanimously (14-0) on Tuesdays, to approve an ordinance banning the use of e-cigarettes in public areas like bars, nightclubs, parks, and restaurants. Vaping lounges and smoking clubs will be exempt from the ban, but sales of e-cigarettes will be restricted to adults 18 or older. City Councilman, Mitch O’Farrell, […]

Former Child Actor, Jordan Oschin, Struck by a Drunk Driver
Former child actor, Jordan Oschin, was tragically struck by a Ford Explorer on February 14, at approximately 9:45 pm. Jordan was crossing north on Burbank Blvd. about 40 feet east of Farralone Ave., according to police reports. New information now suggest that the driver of the Ford Explorer, Randy Allan Goodman, was arrested on suspicion […]

It is Now Legal to Look at Maps on Your Cellphone While Driving
The California Court of Appeal just ruled that drivers are allowed to use their cell phone for the purpose of looking at maps. The law that prohibits the use of cell phones, while driving, does not apply to drivers looking at maps on cell phones. The Court expressed that the law specifically applies to people […]

Justin Bieber Rejected Plea Bargain Offer and Will Try to Beat His DUI
You can’t always believe the police report! Justin Bieber rejected a plea bargain offer today, in his Florida criminal case for DUI and street racing. Bieber’s attorneys suggest that the officers may have embellished as to statements made by Bieber. His attorneys are also challenging the street racing charges. The prosecutors reportedly offered Bieber a no […]

Top 5 Ways to Beat a DUI
5. GET LOTS OF DISCOVERYIt is crucial in any criminal case to conduct a thorough investigation of the evidence, but especially in any DUI case because there is usually some chemical evidence that prosecution must prove is reliable. Sometimes a good investigation by the defense can uncover that a bad investigation was conducted by law […]

Todd Harrell of 3 Doors Down Arrested for a DUI
Todd Harrell, base player for 3 Doors Down, was reportedly arrested late Tuesday for suspicion of driving under the influence. This recent arrest occurred in Mississippi, where he was previously convicted of DUI in 2012. He had appealed the 2012 conviction, but the appellate court had upheld the decision. More importantly, Harrell is also currently […]

Chris Kattan of SNL Arrested for Suspicion of DUI
Actor Chris Kattan, well known for his roles on SNL and Night at the Roxbury, was arrested around 2 am last night for suspicion of drunk driving. He was arrested after an anonymous 911 caller notified police about a Mercedes swerving in the 101 freeway. His vehicle later crossed into a coned area, and collided […]

Can I Ever Become a Nurse if I Have a Criminal Conviction on My Record?
The Board of Nursing is very select in their admissions, and will not admit someone that has a criminal conviction on their record. Furthermore, most nursing schools require that their applicants have no criminal record. This would make it seem impossible to become a nurse, if you’ve ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony […]

7 New DMV Laws for 2014
1. Clean Air Vehicle Decals/”HOV Stickers” (AB 266, SB 286):Cars with Clean Air Vehicle decals that use carpool lanes without having to meet minimum occupancy requirements will be allowed to continue doing so until January 1, 2019. 2. Commercial Driver’s License (AB 1047): Drive a bus or commercial truck? This new law changes the requirements […]

Justin Bieber Arrested on Suspicion of DUI, Drugs and Resisting Arrest
Justin Bieber was arrested for a DUI, resisting arrest, and driving without a license after he was stopped by Miami Beach police officers for street racing his yellow Lamborghini. Shortly after 4:00 am, Bieber was booked in a Miami jail when he failed field sobriety test (FST) and “made some statements that he had consumed […]

How Can I Clear My DUI Record?
The only way to clear a DUI from your criminal record is by petitioning the court for an expungement of the conviction. Anyone convicted of a Misdemeanor DUI, or Felony DUI where state prison wasn’t imposed and the conviction didn’t carry a strike, is eligible for an expungement pursuant to California Penal Code §1203.4. This […]

What is the Safest Way to Exit a DUI Checkpoint?
Upon entering a DUI checkpoint in California, you should notice several posted signs indicating that there is a checkpoint ahead. Once you see this notification, you should look to the left and to the right for a road to turn off on. If there is no road to turn off on, you should look for a […]